Adapt Kodiak

kodiak harbor

Kodiak Island is a unique islanded community with a diverse population and robust fishing economy. Conducting a resilience workshop in Kodiak posed an unique opportunity to discuss the challenges Kodiak faces as a fishing community and major seafood processing hub, and a hub for Coast Guard activity.

Kodiak is also a center of research groups working on challenges from climate change, from understanding the impacts of ocean acidification on subsistence and commercial fishing species to planning renewable energy infrastructure.

The goal of the 2019 Adapt Kodiak resilience workshops was to facilitate a coastal resilience workshop like those held in other parts of Alaska, but structure it for Kodiak to focus on the challenges identified by Kodiak residents as important for discussion. To lead this effort, a steering team composed of members from the university, tribes, agencies, and community members was assembled to plan topics and activities for the workshop.

The steering committee identified 4 focus areas:

  • fisheries futures
  • food security and subsistence
  • infrastructure and energy
  • culture and wellness

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