Make a Plan

Protecting the coast in Savoonga, AK.

Climate change affects all of Alaska

Impacts include loss of Arctic sea ice, permafrost thaw, ocean acidification, warmer waters, snowfall variations, invasive species, marine toxins, heavy rain causing flooding, and unusual weather events that affect food availability. Learn more about change

Rural community residents in Alaska are experiencing changes that are noticeable within a single lifetime. The close connection that Indigenous people have to the land—which they depend on for food, mobility, and ultimately survival—make them well-positioned to observe climate change.

Follow these steps to climate adaptation

By planning to adapt to a changing climate, we can minimize the harm to our communities, businesses, and ways of life, and even possibly benefit from change.

Getting started can seem overwhelming at first. The key is to break adaptation into concrete steps. Although the planning process looks different for every community, you can follow these steps to create your own adaptation plan and increase your climate resilience.